
Psychological Assessments 

An assessment is an initial meeting where we can discuss and start to make sense of the specific issues or difficulties that have brought you to see me or that you would like help with. Don’t worry if these ideas don’t seem clear, as it is my job is to help you to unpick these and then together, we can build an understanding of what is going on. During the assessment we will discuss possible goals you might want to work on and then I will make recommendations for what is going to be the best approach going forward.

Some people may want a one-off assessment for advice or guidance for others this assessment will be the first stage before starting therapy. 

Psychological Therapy 

People often ask me what therapy is like and the honest answer is that it differs for everyone. Some people come for some specific help in developing tools and strategies to help them manage with a particular difficulty, others may prefer a space to develop a clearer understanding of themselves, be this their behaviour, thought processes, underlying beliefs or relationships with others.

As a clinical psychologist I am trained in a variety of different therapeutic models, which means that I can recommend and tailor what approach is going to be most useful, depending on the difficulties you would like help with. 

The therapeutic models I draw upon are: 

  • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) 
  • Narrative Therapy 
  • Compassion Focused Therapy 
  • Interpersonal Therapy (IPT) 
  • EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) 
  • Mindfulness

Everyone looking to book my services will be offered a free 10 minute telephone consultation to talk through what you are looking for and whether my approach will be suitable for your needs and goals. 

Consultation and Training 

As part of me supporting you, it may be important for me to consult with school or a workplace to provide advice or guidance on how they can support you or your child. It may also be necessary for me to attend specific meetings. 

All of these services are charged at my hourly rate.  

I am also happy to arrange training, teaching or workshops on various areas of mental health or wellbeing, which can be developed to meet your specific brief or requirements. Please contact me to discuss this further. 

Autism Assessments

I have a wealth of experience assessing and supporting children and adults with autism and I am therefore more than aware of the mix of emotions that may come with this process or even just considering this process. For some it may come with the hope of an answer, but for others it may come with a feeling of dread and worry, which may have put you off seeking assessment until now. With the waiting times for such assessments ever increasing, many people are left without an answer for too long.

I have also come across many ‘quick’ assessments which claim to be able to diagnose you or your child, based on limited information without consideration of the full picture. That’s why in collaboration with a highly specialist Speech and Language Therapist and teacher, I have developed a bespoke multi-disciplinary assessment of Autism Spectrum Conditions for children and adolescents and adults. 

All the clinicians involved in assessment have a wealth of experience of assessing and working with autism and are passionate about providing a thorough and thoughtful assessment, which considers all explanation for difficulties and assesses these over a range of settings. 

Assessments comprise of core assessments needed in considering a diagnosis of autism, but we are also able to offer further assessments (if needed) to explore cognition, learning and language as part of you or your child’s profile. We feel that it is important that any assessment is driven by individual need and therefore a one-size assessment does not fit all. Diagnosis (or not) is only one outcome of the assessment and I am passionate that in providing a personalised narrative and understanding, which describes you or your child as an individual and which captures the whole spectrum of strengths and struggles and how these impact day to day. In my experience this makes the assessment process much more meaningful and a process which will help understanding and awareness. 

Our assessment process includes a combination of the following:

1) ADOS: An individual assessment with the young person using the Gold Standard assessment tool called the ADOS (Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule). 

2) A full developmental history of social communication difficulties and areas of concern.

3) A detailed Speech and Language assessment, to unpick any difficulties and assesses the pragmatic, receptive and expressive language abilities, in addition to the more subtle social communication concerns (only if needed).

4) A school or work consultation and/or school observation if necessary.

5) Screening and consideration of any other difficulties, including mental health needs that may explain the presenting concerns.

6) 30 minute video feedback and a full report including personalised recommendations. 

7) We assess children and adults

Receiving a diagnosis (or not) is only the start and I am passionate that young people should be supported through this to learn about their diagnosis and develop ways of managing. We are all too aware that services now diagnose and say goodbye, and families are left with little in the way of support. We are therefore proud to also be able to offer post diagnostic support and work therapeutically with young people and adults following assessment if necessary; this could be speech and language therapy, psychological therapy or specialist teaching or a combination of these.  

Autism Screening Service

For younger children, who are still developing in their skills and whom it may be too early to make a diagnosis, we also offer a brief screening service.  This is a much shorter assessment where we review concerns, conduct some baseline observations and look at a child’s development to date. We can make recommendations to support development and then if needed, we can review this at a later date if concerns continue. A discount will be offered on full assessment if screening has been completed by our service. 

Cognitive Assessments

A cognitive assessment is a specific assessment of a young person’s intellectual ability and may be needed when there are concerns or questions about learning, attainment, academics, or specific learning difficulties.

All cognitive assessments are carried out using standardised assessments, but which specific assessment will be dependent on the nature of the concerns. 

Please note that there are many factors which can impact on learning and therefore this might not the right assessment for your child. Please contact me to discuss specific concerns and I can help advise you on how it would be helpful and/or whether this is needed.